19 September 2021


The stalwart Joanna Pollard extends her interest in KitKat to climate change.

Fairtrade farmers and workers are calling for urgent action from politicians.

Joanna Pollard
Selby, ENG, United Kingdom

18 Sep 2021 — 

It's a year since you helped me show Nestle that we care about the estimated 1.8 million farmers and workers who grow our food so I'm asking you to join me in supporting their call for politicians at the COP26 summit to Be Fair with your Climate Promise. 

Climate change is already severely damaging the lives and livelihoods of farming communities who grow so much of our food. They are on the front line of a worsening crisis they have done the least to cause. And deeply unfair trade means many simply cannot earn enough to adapt to rapid changes in weather.

Farmers and workers are challenging leaders at COP26 to invest in the expertise of their communities, who see the realities of the climate crisis every day.

And they are demanding the wealthiest countries start being honest about their own carbon footprints, and work together to create trade deals and laws that encourage investment in the sustainable solutions many Fairtrade farmers are already pioneering.

Fairtrade farmers and workers know that if we don't speak out now, it will be too late. Will you join them in challenging our politicians to Be fair with the climate promise?

What Fairtrade farmers are asking politicans at COP26 to do 

Fairtrade farmers and the communities they support depend on the climate for their livelihoods. But the climate emergency caused by centuries of exploitation of people and planet means those livelihoods are under serious and immediate threat.

So, Fairtrade farmers and workers have come together to demand the politicians in the wealthiest nations, those most responsible for the climate crisis, start to take that responsibility seriously. The 1.8 million Fairtrade farmers and workers of our global Fairtrade community are calling on politicians at COP26 to:

* Ensure that the $100 billion per year they pledged to tackle a changing climate reaches those who need it most 

* Take responsibility for international aviation and shipping emissions in their carbon-cutting commitments 

* Make trade deals that encourage fair, low-carbon products that allow farmers to invest in sustainable farming

* Strengthen rules that mean businesses invest in fair, sustainable supply chains, and compel those who fall short to meet their responsibilities

Thank you


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