26 October 2013

Fairtrade Sign

As you may be aware, the sign saying "Witney Fairtrade Town" on the wall of the Congregational Church on Welch Way has been removed in a response to a complaint made about it.  We have been required by the Planning Department of WODC to remove it as it "requires advertisement consent as it is within the conservation area and is not considered to be related to the building to which it is fixed."  We believed that we had complied with planning regulations and wanted to advertise the fact that our town gained Fairtrade status in 2011, something  to be very proud about.  The Congregational church is one of many Fairtrade churches in the town who are keen supporters of Fairtrade.  Sadly we do not have the £385 required to apply for formal planning permission at present and so the sign will remain in storage.

An article about this can be found on the Witney Gazette website and may appear in next week's edition:

There are already supportive comments posted on the page. Please click on the link and consider writing something as I am sure it will help our cause.  Having public support for the sign will help if we ever decide to reapply.

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