25 February 2008

Fairtrade Foundation response to Adam Smith Institute report

A new report by the Adam Smith Institute (UK free market policy think-tank) suggests that Fairtrade is unfair. The Fairtrade Foundation does not agree to the claims of the Adam Smith Institute, that free trade is the most effective poverty reduction strategy. The current system of world trade completely fails the two billion people who work incredibly hard for a living, but are still struggling to survive on less than $2 per day. No-one is forced to join a fair trade producer organisation, or to buy Fairtrade products. Fairtrade is offering consumers the chance to buy products certified to Fairtrade standards that make a real difference to the lives of farmers and workers, by ensuring they earn enough for today and a little extra to invest in a better life tomorrow. We set rules for Fairtrade certification so that consumers can buy these products with confidence.

See the full response from Fairtrade Foundation here.

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