15 May 2010


Who is WAFTAG?
We are a group of local people who are committed to promoting the benefits of fair trade in Witney and its surrounding area.

Our Aim
There are a number of key things we would like to do:

  • inform people locally about fair trade
  • encourage people to buy fair trade products
  • encourage more local retailers to supply fair trade products
  • persuade local organisations and businesses to switch to using fair trade products
  • maintain Witney's Fairtrade status.
What is Fair trade?
When people buy fair trade products, it enables more people in developing countries to have access to world markets and sell their goods at a fair price. Ultimately, this means more people can help themselves out of poverty as they are able to build up sustainable livelihoods.

Fair trade is about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world. It enables these farmers and workers to improve their situation and have more control over their lives. There are a number of conditions that have to be met before a product can be considered fairly traded and they include:

  • a price that covers the cost of production
  • an additional premium for social development purposes, for example funding to support schooling
  • part payment in advance to help avoid small producers falling into debt
  • long term trade relations that allows proper planning and sustainable production practises
  • fair production conditions
How do I know if a product is fairly traded?
If you are buying food and drink, cotton products, roses or sports balls, look for the FAIRTRADE Mark, which is printed on products that have been certified by the Fairtrade Foundation. There are over 2,000 products that are available with this logo. Fairly traded handicrafts do not currently carry the FAIRTRADE Mark as the Fairtrade Labelling Organisation does not have certifying standards for them. To ensure that your handicrafts are fairly traded, buy from a reputable fair trade retailer, such as Traidcraft, Tearcraft or any member of the British Association of Fair Trade Shops.

Doesn’t fair trade adversely affect producers in our area?
The majority of products that carry the Fairtrade mark are tropical commodity food products such as coffee, tea, chocolate cocoa, bananas, sugar, orange juice, or items where these products are a key ingredient, and these are usually not grown in the UK!

Where can I buy fair trade products locally?
All the larger supermarkets in Witney stock some fair trade products. Some coffee shops, like Costa’s, also offer a Fairtrade option. Oxfam stocks Fairtrade food, and fairly traded gifts and jewellery. WAFTAG’s website has a full list of where you can buy fair trade products locally and we are adding to it all the time. Let us know of any others you find!

How can I help?
Buy fairly traded products whenever you can — there is a wide selection of great quality items available. Switch a product you use every day to a fair trade option. Ask in restaurants, coffee shops and food stores for Fairtrade products. Could your workplace or school change to Fairtrade? Find out more about fair trade and ethical trade. You will be part of a growing world-wide shift to buying fairly traded products. The more people buy and ask for fair trade, the more shops and suppliers will be encouraged to offer fair trade products. And this will help more farmers and their families out of poverty in developing countries.

You can also join WAFTAG! If you’d like to be included on our mailing list to find out more about what is happening locally, contact us on:
Email: witneyfairtrade@yahoo.co.uk
Telephone: 01993 881 364

How can I find out more?
Check out the rest of our website and its links to various organisations involved in the fair trade movement, as well as organisations campaigning on trade and other issues affecting people in developing countries.

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